Monday, March 13, 2006


How many times have you been, sent off to listen to someone talk about the business you work for when they don't.

The consultant is telling you about culture, or mission and worse vision of the company when they are not apart of it.

I have been to many of these things where what is written doesn't amount to anything because the stake holders didn't write it.

If some of the stake holders did write it they don't have enough support to make it part of the culture or DNA of the business.

To make it happen it mast come from the top.

The only way for a culture to develop is that it is the big boss that does it.

In MacDonald’s the Head office team go out in to the stores twice a year.

This does to things; it tells the people on the shop floor that they are all part of the same team.

The other thing it does it reminds those at head office who there customers are.

Who they are really working for, and who they are working with.


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