Monday, May 28, 2007


A couple of months ago I got an eletter part of which had a link to the first chapter of this book

“Jim & Casper go to church” I got a copy on the Thursday & finished it Friday.

I must say it was an interesting read; for those of us who have anything to do with leading churches.

How predictable are we?

One thing that struck me was that the circumstance doesn’t change the pattern.

When it a boils down we (The church) are all the same.

Size doesn’t matter what really was the thing that struck the guys as they went about the place was in smaller churches the smile & the welcome was spontaneous

In the larger church it was well the professional was the term they used

It is interesting that when the greeting in the smaller place and the ‘try before you but was left to the visitor’ they felt warmer about the church.

In one place (I won’t spoil the read) Casper felt like an intruder.

Casper being the non believer the funny thing is he knew some of the people it was one of them who had recommended Casper for the roll in the book

Yes it was well worth the $30

I will be reading it again soon to glean first time through was information

Now I need feel & I think what we need most is genuineness about us.

Some of the church that had this were church that were on mission obviously larger church which may not seam to be on mission on Sunday morning but have many ministries that do the targeting if you like would feel a little like a shot gun effect on a Sunday (or Weekend) service.

The smaller churches which were radical had effect but I think in Australia where the divides are not that great some of the comparison are not necessary.

The funny thing is the scariest church of all had the least people?

If you read the book I would be very interested in your thoughts

I have started reading the blogs

Go here and follow the links

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