Monday, May 28, 2007

This week on the Show

Matt Nichols & Alison Brown of CAP (Christians’ Against Poverty)

Last year I had John Ramsey from their Petersham Centre on the Show

Matt is the National CEO & Alison is the communications & fundraising manager

They do have an event coming up in July which they do a little differently

But would like so help with, the don’t sell tickets they give them away

The event does cost so you may be in a position to help the with cost of approx $10,000 printing event & other associated costs I do know they would appreciate it & naturally give you some side benefit name on brochures & at the event etc

URL for CAP is

I am looking forward to the Breakfast it is on a Monday so that is a little unusual but what a great way to start the week.

Bring your team as a team building exorcise the Speaker on the morning is the founder John Kirkby (whom I will have on the show the Thursday before)

So join us the Thursday morning

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