Friday, June 29, 2007

From the Show

I spoke to Matt & Ross from CAP which very interesting
We spoke about lots of things one of those was the Pay Day lenders
How they get around the consumer laws, by making additional penalties to those can't afford repayments. Taking the rate to up 500% interest which is way beyond what is reasonable. The highest percentage of their clients are young people and the loans are mostly about $400.00 used to pay bills!
CAP have a business breakfast coming up on the 16th July (which is starting to fill)
Go here for details
If you mention the show when you email
you will get in for free.

In the first hour I spoke about working from home

Here are a couple of good URLs
First is from Canada but the idea is the same & there are some quizzes if you haven't started or if you have & your not sure then try them out.

I would love to know how you go if you do (

The second is n online community of those who work from home


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