Monday, March 27, 2006

Todays Show 27th March


Danny & I will be talking about what happens when you business is not doing well.

So there are lots of things you can do both bad & good.

The first few pieces of advice are talk to people.

Your accountant, your family, your creditors and possible your solicitor

If you are talking people know what is happening. If they don’t then the inevitable flood of litigation will start. That is ugly it cost much more in the long run.

If you are not doing well more stress will not help.

More cost only adds to stress, which is when things start going from bad to worse.

Then it not only cost your money but your health, family and other relationships.

Often these things are not your doing, some of your creditors will take it personally others will be supportive it is hard to know how people will react.

Here are few URLs that may be helpful

Director’s responsibilities;117989780;fp;16;fpid;0

Do the test

Solicitor who specialise in insolvency

Listen to the show for more information


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