Sunday, April 09, 2006


I have a friend from the west who I now keeps an eye on the posts.

He lost his dad at Christmas time; it has not been easy time for him.

We all suffer lost like him I know where mother went.

In the last few years of her life she returned to her faith.

His father in the months before his passing made a commitment to faith

On Friday, I had a friend loose his sister in law to cancer.

She had been not well for quite some time I never got to meet her.

Though a couple of times I had been close by she was not well enough they said

She was deaf, had many deaf friends (what he called the deaf brigade)

Would turn up and relieve him for a little while

He had spent the last few months up in Newcastle looking after her.

For him life will return to normal soon he had been through a bit he lost his brother a couple of years ago.

His nice which was to his brothers’ former wife has caused them some grief last year.

We will suffer loss; we will all know the death of loved ones.

Some sooner than later which is life; we will all know that

Loss is a part of life; we need to know that there is comfort & peace

Others who have had the same loss, who have a clue how you feel, what to do how to keep going, how to face another day, to walk a few miles along the road, they know the road they themselves have been on it.

We will all know loss that is a promise. What we do with it well that is something else.

There is a blog which has been dealing with grief lately here is the URL

Which may be of help to some I think there was 2 or 3 posts on the subject

If you post there the moderator views all comments

For me I get a copy email to me then I can see what is said go from there.


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