You all know I love to read I saw this post on another blog
50 Books You Should Leave on The Shelf
These are books that have influenced evangelicalism that one should generally steer clear of due to errant theology, outright heresy, just plain lousy writing, being extremely dated, your own time stewardship or a combination thereof. I’m not saying these shouldn’t be read at all, some cover issues that need to be addressed, but don’t go here for soul food.
In No Particular Order:
*1. The Satan Seller - Mike Warnke
*2. Good Morning Holy Spirit - Benny Hinn
3. Left Behind (In all its permutations) - Tim Lahaye and Larry Jenkins
4. Your Best Life Now - Joel Osteen
5. Letters to a Skeptic - Gregory Boyd
6. Wild at Heart - John Eldredge
7. I’m OK, You’re OK - Thomas Harris
8. The Ryrie Study Bible
9. The Scofield Reference Bible
10. The Weigh-Down Diet - Gwen Shamblin
11. Living Positively One Day At a Time - Robert Shuller
12. Rescuing the Bible from Fundamentalism: A Bishop Rethinks the Meaning of Scripture - John Shelby Spong
13. Absolutely Free - Zane Hodges
14. Meeting Jesus Again for the First Time: The Historical Jesus and the Heart of Contemporary Faith - Marcus J. Borg
15. Misquoting Jesus: The Story Behind Who Changed the Bible and Why - Bart D. Ehrman
16. The Historical Jesus: The Life of a Mediterranean Jewish Peasant - John Dominic Crossan
17. The Five Gospels: What Did Jesus Really Say? The Search for the AUTHENTIC Words of Jesus - Robert W. Funk
18. Christ Versus Religion - Witness Lee
19. The Prayer of Jabez - Bruce Wilkinson
20. The Laws of Prosperity - Kenneth Copeland
21. The Good Book: Reading the Bible with Mind and Heart - Peter J. Gomes
*22. The Late Great Planet Earth - Hal Lindsey with C. C. Carlson
*23. Velvet Elvis - Rob Bell
24. The Openness of God: The Relationship of Divine Foreknowledge and Human Free Will - Richard Rice
25. A Heretic’s Guide to Eternity - Spencer Burke
26. Institute for Basic Youth Conflicts Manual - Bill Gothard
27. A Theology of Liberation: History, Politics and Salvation - Gustavo Gutiérrez
28. Revolution - George Barna
29. The Bible Code - Michael Drosnin
30. Discovered: Noah’s Ark - Ron Wyatt
*31. The Purpose Driven Life - Rick Warren
32. Effective Biblical Counseling - Larry Crabb
33. Battlefield of the Mind - Joyce Meyer
34. The ELCA Gender-Neutral Hymnal
35. The Lost Message of Jesus - Steve Chalke
36. The God Who Risks: A Theology of Providence - John Sanders
37. The Grace of God and the Will of Man - Clark H. Pinnock
38. The Oneness of God - David K. Bernard
39. Woman Thou Art Loosed - T.D. Jakes
*40. Jerusalem Countdown - John Hagee
41. What Love is This? - Dave Hunt
42. Chosen But Free - Norm Geisler
43. King James, His Bible, and Its Translators - Laurence Vance
*44. Jonathan Edwards 1703 - 1758 A Biography - Ola Elizabeth Winslow
45. Uprooting the Spirit of Fear - Creflo A. Dollar
46. The Beautiful Side of Evil - Johanna Michaelsen
47. Tithing: A Call to Serious, Biblical Giving - R T Kendall
*48. Experiencing the Presence of God - Charles G. Finney
*49. Why Churches Die - Ergun Caner and Mac Brunson
50. Plan B: Further Thoughts on Faith - Anne Lamott
• * have these books & yes have read them
Some I recommend even. I got the knife jpegs from here & not much more
I am guessing.
I am not long back from a meeting where talked about growing our church.
What we can do to help fix our leadership which I am a part of
Some of these books I don’t know and the ones I marked I own.
Some of which I recommend I have not changed my mind
One of my great passions is reading I love books what away to open your mind
To other ideas, other ways of looking at things?
So of these book well yes leave then on the shelf others read them give them to others to read. Most of the ones I have marked I bought them but I don't have them any more I lent them to people now they have them.
If I got them back I would need a much bigger house to store them in.