Tuesday, October 31, 2006

This week on the show

In the first hour I will give a bit of an over view of our AGM which is on tonight

Then if we have any time I will give you an up date of the Bullying case I was telling you about last week.

My geast will be David Baumgarten

David is CEO of BEC for Burwood, City & Eastern Suburbs


They do many great things in the community.
Have many networking events
run courses to help you grow your business.
One of which is
Accelerate your business growth with our new offering

Do you own an established business that has made it to the pivotal three year mark?

Do you find yourself confronted by numerous growth challenges?

'Accelerate Your Business Growth' can assist you to identify and overcome these obstacles, harness your potential to grow and ultimately become more profitable.

Most business workshops tend to be very expensive, too generic or too industry specific. They are also generally geared towards the needs of a start-up business which are very different to those faced by businesses in the next stage of development.

'Accelerate Your Business Growth' addresses broader business development and management issues and provides a cost-effective mechanism to meet the needs of early growth businesses.

The initial package comprises:
- 1 x Growth Planning Workshop
- 1 x Growth Issue Workshop
- 1 x Brains Trust

Once you have attended the Growth Planning workshop you can participate in unlimited Growth Issue workshops and Brains Trust sessions. We understand that business owners need flexible pathways.

We are offering the program across metropolitan Sydney. For dates, or to download a brochure or application form, visit our website at

This is an Australian Government funded service under the Building Entrepreneurship in Small Business Program.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Corporate Bullies

I was at the barbers this week, we were talking about things.
He has heard many of my calls over the years, so as we finished he asked me if I knew someone in Intellectual Property Law.

I asked why, and what was the problem. He dash off to the car and brought back a letter.

Basically it said that he could no longer trade under a name he had registered 10 years ago with his brother. That he also no longer had a business. He has to change his name and........
Tomorrow I will let you know how it is going.

Corporate Bullies

I was at the barbers this week, we were talking about things.
He has heard many of my calls over the years, so as we finished he asked me if I knew someone in Intellectual Property Law.
I asked why, and what was the problem. He dash of to the car and brought back a letter. ]
Basically it said that he no longer had a business. He has to change his name........
Tomorrow I will let you know how it is going.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Golf Ever played with a Pro?

I like this event I have played most years for the last 5 or so.

Last year I made it to the 14th when unknown to me I had tendonitis in my achillis in both ankles.

I have since had a corrective orthotic for my feet & am looking forward to playing.

I am going to have Graham on the show in the next couple of weeks to talk about himself what they do & the golf day.

Links SCA Australia Pro-Am

Venue Date
Liverpool Golf Club Monday, 20th November 2006

Golf – 12:00noon to 1:10pm two tee start followed by dinner.
Great prizes to be won in individual stableford & team events.
Prize-money - $1000
Pro-Am Dinner
Pro-Am Dinner will follow promptly after golf.

Pro-Am Dinner
Guest Speaker: Gary Speckman

Gary has lived in Australia for 25 years since coming from America to work with a university based Christian ministry and the Baptist church in Australia. Gary ministry has specialised in counselling and is present the Chaplain to the NSW Waratah Rugby Union team and the Sydney Kings Basketball team. Gary is part of Sports Chaplaincy Australia. Gary will share his wealth of experience in Christian ministry and what Jesus Christ means to him.

Costs (Tick your choice and enclose payment with registration by 16th November 2006) You can also register online at www.slmlinks.org.au
• Golf & dinner package $80.
• Golf only $55.
• Dinner only $40.
• Professional Entry $50

Name ___________________________ H Cap ______

(SLM Links is a Christian organisation working in golf sharing this event with CBMA (Christian Business Men in Australia)

For enquiries contact Graham Lawrence
30 The Broadway Punchbowl NSW 2117 Ph /Fax 02 9740 9069.
Email: slmlinksaus@optusnet.com.au

Monday, October 23, 2006

This week is e security week

This week is OH&S week as well as E security week

The goverment has launched a web site this week to help us with our online security

URL: http://www.staysmartonline.gov.au/

see what you don't know

Sunday, October 22, 2006

From Pastors’ Conference

Three of the guys went fishing; they were out in the boat trying to catch something to show there skills as fishermen.
When they got to talking about the message, from the mornings session.

So said one what did you think of his thoughts on confession

well said the first it really got to me & to be honest.
I have never confessed anything to anyone for a great many years. So if you don’t mind I will take this opportunity to fess up.
I have had the problem for many years and that is pornography I can get enough
I have magazines and books and as for the internet well
I wont go on but you can get the drift.

The second chimed in well you are right, it has been ages my problem is money I have had my hand in the till for years

The pastor who started the conversation then said well my problem is gossip
I can wait to get back

Thursday, October 19, 2006

This morning on the show

I spoke of this month being Hump month.

It is the month most people quite
If you started a business back at the beginning of the year and it is not doing as well as you thought this is the month most people give in.

If you have started a business, you may just need to talk to someone.
You may not have got into a network as yet.
Make it a plan to get to a business breakfast, lunch or dinner.

It maybe that your cash flow is not that good, what you could need is to use debtor financing so you need to talk to someone like Ken Macleod whose info is posted on Friday, June 23, 2006 Ken Macleod, Director,
Interface Financial Group 02 9363 3971 or 0401 954 384
for an appointment today.
The big thing is talk to someone.

This speaks for its self

Click on cartoon to enlarge

US Licence Search

Know anyone who lives in the States?
Haven't seen them for a while?
Do the search and get an update of how they have changed!
Once your done you can send them the link and let them know what the local DMV (RTA, Vic Roads.....) has done to them!


Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Some things that are happening over the next week

Next week is Work Safe week. Now today is the last day of the show
You can register online it is free the show is on at Homebush

Event 1: Smart Business - The Basics of selling on eBay - 23rd October
Do you have a basic understanding of how eBay works but have little or no experience in selling on eBay? This workshop will guide you through setting up your own eBay business and gives you all the fundamentals you need to trade successfully.
Click here to learn more and to register for this event

Event 2: Advanced eBay Training - 24th October
Building on the basics course, this workshop gives you the knowledge to take your eBay business to the next level.
Click here to learn more and to register for this event

Event 3: Business Thursday: Intellectual Property - 26th October
Intellectual property is an important part of what insulates your business and its brand from its competitors, whether it is its name, inventions, innovative operating systems or creative website. Find out how you can use your intellectual property to increase the value of your brand.
Click here to learn more and to register for this event


Sunday, October 15, 2006


A young monk arrives at the monastery. He is assigned to helping the other monks in copying the old canons and laws of the church by hand.

He notices, however, that all of the monks are copying from copies, not from the original manuscript. So, the new monk goes to the head abbot to question this, pointing out that if someone made even a small error in the first copy, it would never be picked up! In fact, that error would be continued in all of the subsequent copies.

The head monk, says, "We have been copying from the copies for centuries, but you make a good point, my son."

He goes down into the dark caves underneath the monastery where the original manuscripts are held as archives in a locked vault that hasn't been opened for hundreds of years. Hours go by and nobody sees the old abbot.

So, the young monk gets worried and goes down to look for him. He sees him banging his head against the wall and wailing, ?We missed the "R?, we missed the "R"!"
His forehead is all bloody and bruised and he is crying uncontrollably. The young monk asks the old abbot, "What's wrong, father?"
With A choking voice, the old abbot replies, "The word was...


Thursday, October 12, 2006


JULY 10, 2006 Business weekly online


How Failure Breeds Success
Ever heard of Choglit? How about OK Soda or Surge? Long after "New Coke" became nearly synonymous with innovation failure, these products joined Coca-Cola Co.'s (KO ) graveyard of beverage busts.

Choglit, in case you blinked and missed it, was a chocolate-flavored milk drink test-marketed with Nestlé (NSRGY) in 2002. OK Soda, unveiled in 1994, tried to capture Generation X with edgy marketing. The "OK Manifesto," parts of which were printed on cans in an attempt at hipster irony, asked: "What's the point of OK Soda?" It turned out customers wondered the same thing. And while Surge did well initially, this me-too Mountain Dew later did anything but. Sales began drying up after five years.

Given that history, failure hardly seems like a subject Chairman and CEO E. Neville Isdell would want to trot out in front of investors. But Isdell did just that, deliberately airing the topic at Coke's annual meeting in April. "You will see some failures," he told the crowd. "As we take more risks, this is something we must accept as part of the regeneration process."

Warning Coke investors that the company might experience some flops is a little like warning Atlantans they might experience afternoon thunderstorms in July. But Isdell thinks it's vital. He wants Coke to take bigger risks, and to do that, he knows he needs to convince employees and shareholders that he will tolerate the failures that will inevitably result. That's the only way to change Coke's traditionally risk-averse culture. And given the importance of this goal, there's no podium too big for sending the signal. "Using [the annual meeting] occasion elevates the statement to another order of importance," Isdell said in an interview with

'I failed my way to success'. - Thomas Edison, inventor of the light bulb.

I have a friend who works in programing, in a company he was working with one of the developers made a huge mistake it cost the owner about $20M
The guy offered his resignation the boss said know way I have just spent $20M on your education!
Now that is a very different way looking at what happened

Wednesday, October 11, 2006


You all know I love to read I saw this post on another blog

50 Books You Should Leave on The Shelf
These are books that have influenced evangelicalism that one should generally steer clear of due to errant theology, outright heresy, just plain lousy writing, being extremely dated, your own time stewardship or a combination thereof. I’m not saying these shouldn’t be read at all, some cover issues that need to be addressed, but don’t go here for soul food.
In No Particular Order:
*1. The Satan Seller - Mike Warnke
*2. Good Morning Holy Spirit - Benny Hinn
3. Left Behind (In all its permutations) - Tim Lahaye and Larry Jenkins
4. Your Best Life Now - Joel Osteen
5. Letters to a Skeptic - Gregory Boyd
6. Wild at Heart - John Eldredge
7. I’m OK, You’re OK - Thomas Harris
8. The Ryrie Study Bible
9. The Scofield Reference Bible
10. The Weigh-Down Diet - Gwen Shamblin
11. Living Positively One Day At a Time - Robert Shuller
12. Rescuing the Bible from Fundamentalism: A Bishop Rethinks the Meaning of Scripture - John Shelby Spong
13. Absolutely Free - Zane Hodges
14. Meeting Jesus Again for the First Time: The Historical Jesus and the Heart of Contemporary Faith - Marcus J. Borg
15. Misquoting Jesus: The Story Behind Who Changed the Bible and Why - Bart D. Ehrman
16. The Historical Jesus: The Life of a Mediterranean Jewish Peasant - John Dominic Crossan
17. The Five Gospels: What Did Jesus Really Say? The Search for the AUTHENTIC Words of Jesus - Robert W. Funk
18. Christ Versus Religion - Witness Lee
19. The Prayer of Jabez - Bruce Wilkinson
20. The Laws of Prosperity - Kenneth Copeland
21. The Good Book: Reading the Bible with Mind and Heart - Peter J. Gomes
*22. The Late Great Planet Earth - Hal Lindsey with C. C. Carlson
*23. Velvet Elvis - Rob Bell
24. The Openness of God: The Relationship of Divine Foreknowledge and Human Free Will - Richard Rice
25. A Heretic’s Guide to Eternity - Spencer Burke
26. Institute for Basic Youth Conflicts Manual - Bill Gothard
27. A Theology of Liberation: History, Politics and Salvation - Gustavo Gutiérrez
28. Revolution - George Barna
29. The Bible Code - Michael Drosnin
30. Discovered: Noah’s Ark - Ron Wyatt
*31. The Purpose Driven Life - Rick Warren
32. Effective Biblical Counseling - Larry Crabb
33. Battlefield of the Mind - Joyce Meyer
34. The ELCA Gender-Neutral Hymnal
35. The Lost Message of Jesus - Steve Chalke
36. The God Who Risks: A Theology of Providence - John Sanders
37. The Grace of God and the Will of Man - Clark H. Pinnock
38. The Oneness of God - David K. Bernard
39. Woman Thou Art Loosed - T.D. Jakes
*40. Jerusalem Countdown - John Hagee
41. What Love is This? - Dave Hunt
42. Chosen But Free - Norm Geisler
43. King James, His Bible, and Its Translators - Laurence Vance
*44. Jonathan Edwards 1703 - 1758 A Biography - Ola Elizabeth Winslow
45. Uprooting the Spirit of Fear - Creflo A. Dollar
46. The Beautiful Side of Evil - Johanna Michaelsen
47. Tithing: A Call to Serious, Biblical Giving - R T Kendall
*48. Experiencing the Presence of God - Charles G. Finney
*49. Why Churches Die - Ergun Caner and Mac Brunson
50. Plan B: Further Thoughts on Faith - Anne Lamott

• * have these books & yes have read them
Some I recommend even. I got the knife jpegs from here & not much more
I am guessing.
I am not long back from a meeting where talked about growing our church.
What we can do to help fix our leadership which I am a part of
Some of these books I don’t know and the ones I marked I own.
Some of which I recommend I have not changed my mind

One of my great passions is reading I love books what away to open your mind
To other ideas, other ways of looking at things?
So of these book well yes leave then on the shelf others read them give them to others to read. Most of the ones I have marked I bought them but I don't have them any more I lent them to people now they have them.
If I got them back I would need a much bigger house to store them in.

On the Show

My guest will be the stars of Spring Follies

Saturday Night 7:30

Level 1 230 Liverpool Rd

$25 Family

In the first hour we will talk about success
And the ussual Music, Trafic & Trains

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Lets all KISS


What is church life or Christian life meant to be?

Or all of Life for that matter

Is it meant to be all that it is?

Complex? Intertwined? Layers? & Systems?

Well in a word yes, those things are meant to be there.

How much or how many of us do need to know about them,
well then that's another story.

As a kid growing up, did you know the rules of your home?

You learn them by being there no one sits down and say, by the way here are the rules.

You learn them by being part of the family; I remember being told things as I became aware. It was simple this is what we did.
When my kids came along we didn'’t have rules, they came as they were necessary.
We started with teenagers so a lot faster than in most homes. Only as things happened did we do things.

Over the last 20 or so years, church has changed I believe we give out far too much information.

For example I was in a church in southern Sydney; they decided to set up a care program. Having everyone integrated into a small group, the leadership spent lots time & effort to map out plan to do it had pastors going all over the place finding out what was needed. They drew up the plan, and then started preaching about it 6 weeks about what we were going to do! How it would work & what it would mean.

Now that is all well & good, but does the congregation need to know all the ins & outs?

Leaders yes, but average member I don'’t thinks it has gone on from there we just about preach everything to death. The people are sick of it before it even begins what are we doing?

Are we making it more complex!

There is a principal which is called KISS


Now is that what we are doing?

I don'’t think so we need to feed our people all the information, yes the basics.
This is what it is; this is what we think it looks like.
However as we work with whatever it is we are doing there will be some variation as we work it out.

After that leader possible here is the information or where to find it

Let'’s spend our time working smarter, not harder
I getting the feeling that this sort of thing is a bit of a trap.
In that when you start giving information you need to give more & more.

Look at the internet billions & billions of pages of information & growing!

The gospel is simple, Jesus came He died for me, I need to accept this or reject this, in a nut shell. Yes in some ways that is an over simplification but, simple none the less.

We as a part of what we do we need to think about the consequences of going down an information path.
Information begets more information

Even in politics which has got to be the most complex best going around when they give a speech it is done in a language that we all get. Budget time for example the speech is a reader’s digest version of what is going on. It you want the detail you need to read the paper itself.

Where is all this going well really my personal belief is this we need to bring it back to basics.

That our Sundays and other general meetings need to be places where we can reach the lost.

Leadership meeting can have elements of information but let’s not get bogged down in doing good!

Simplicity I believe is a key, most peoples lives are so complex that we need to help them become simplified
Remember KISS!

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Stone Age PC

Thursday, October 05, 2006

From the Show

My guest today was Jan Taylor
Of Sydney Cancer Centre

They have there 10 Gala Dinner coming up more info


Heaps of info on what they do & how they can help you http://www.sydneycancer.com.au/Default.aspx

You can heip them buy going to the dinner or

Family Business

I hit Google for 13,200,000 replies

The first was a great one


I have had a bit of a look around the site, there is great info for free
Better info if you join. I will endeavour to get someone from Fambiz on the show.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

On The Show

This week my guest Jan Taylor

Yes she is going to make it

The things that could not be changed are now out of the way.

In the first hour we will talk about family businesses

The usual trafic trains music and fun

Listen 88.1 FM 7-9 Thursday

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Alice Cooper

This URL will take you to induct Alice Cooper into the Hall of Fame petition

Yes I have signed it, I was a big fun years ago I have a fuzzy memory of that time
but I do remeber hearing lotsz of his miusic an lots of parties. Not to mention owning a number of albums myself (Thanks Lesley)


This week has seen Arriel finish High school.
Yes he does have 3 exams to go before he is finished all together
However the final things as far as his schooling are concerned graduation assembly etc. are all done.
It was great to see last Thursday night his year receive their awards & prizes for all the work they have done this year.
During the night they 6 of the students speak on what the last 6 years had meant to them.
The guest speaker for the night was the schools founding principal talking about the last 30 year the school has existed, the changes in education, the attacks on private education and how proud he was of the school and how it had evolved.
One of his grand sons graduated as a part of this year.

I have to say how proud I was of Arriel, he was playing guitar for the praise & worship part of the night as well as the playing of the National Anthem
I am sure every other parent was just as proud of their son or daughter and the part they played not only in the night but of the time they had been part of the school.
When on December 8th the results come out no matter what we sill be proud of them no matter what they decide to do with their lives