Sunday, April 30, 2006

Radio Show this week

Just to remind you the show is on Thursday 7:00Am - 9:00Am

Here are some rates if you are looking at what it would cost to Advertise on the Show

The rate per spot for a placement on a breakfast show

is $22 per announcement.

What I have offered in the past is $80 per programme,

giving 4 (preferably recorded) placements over the 2

hours (a saving of $4) BUT the sponsor can also be

acknowledged as the sponsor of the programme (once at

the show's beginning, once at half hour, once straight

after the news at mid-programme and once before the

end of the programme). This would entitle you to say a

simple throwaway line like: "and this show is brought

to you by X, proud sponsors of this, the Y program on

2RDJ FM 88.1".

Should your sponsor provide you with a prize in a

competition, they MUST be acknowledged as providing

this, which would mean that you mentioned them more

during the course of the programme (whenever you are

requesting a ring-in etc).

As you know, we are not a commercial station but none

of the above breaches our mandate as a community

station but it DOES offer something attractive to a

potential sponsor I believe.

Now to the crunch. Payment MUST be upfront. If they

want to sponsor ONE program, there is a minimum

upfront payment of $40 required. A 10% levy would mean

that they are totally liable to pay $88 (so they would

receive the additions mentioned above but no real

discount). Obviously if they pay the total upfront

($80) then all is smooth sailing.

If they pay by cheque and for any reason the cheque

bounces, their sponsorship deal is immediately revoked

until monies are received.

Should they be asking for any longer terms of

sponsorship, they can have the same deal as above for

2 months @ $150 (same conditions as above apply), 3

months @ $230 or six months upfront @ $450.

So as you can see it is a great price for reaching something like 100K – 200K People in Inner Sydney

From Glebe to Parramatta, Ryde to Sutherland

Saturday, April 29, 2006

Mothers Day

Ten Years Ago A Wonderful Woman Went Away.

Ten Years Ago She Went Not An Other Thing She’d Say

Ten Years Ago My Mother Was The One

She Had Had Her Life It Was Done

She Left Us Her Work Here Was Done

Her Kids All Grown With Their Own

She Had Not Been Well, We Known

Thinking More Time We Had Owned

Didn’t Make What We Wanted To Do

Since Then We Have Missed Her, She Gone To Stay

The Time Has Gone Where

The Memories Are Here To Stay

What She Did We All Share

Ten Years Ago A Wonderful Woman Went Away.

Ten Years To Think & Ponder Over A Great Mother

As I said a week or so back my mother past away of 27th of April 1996

There have been a few calls this week, between by brother & I

My father has been coping the way he normally does.

We have spoken about that, he had thought it was the day before.

With all the news of what happened the day after she pasted we have also had a constant reminder of passing.

So when he caught the news of the memorial service he was worse than ever.

I am going down today to see them today, which should be interesting.

I have not heard form my sisters, which is not that unusual they live in Queensland so we don’t here too much, from them unfortunately they do their thing I guess

Mothers’ day is two weeks way, so when not start thinking about something special for your mother?

Since you have time, may be you can remember something you did as a kid that she really liked & you could do something like that for her or if you have your own kids get them to do (with your help)

You post your ideas to help out the ideas or memories challenged among us.

By the way my mother love nothing better than for you to do something creative like the Poem above

Friday, April 28, 2006

Good Article

I could feel my car keys in my pocket, and all I could think about was how far away I could be by 11 a.m. How much gas was in the tank? How fast could I drive?

Sitting on a chair in a storage room, I could hear the worship space filling up with people, and all I wanted to do was leave. What do you do when you're pastor of a church, it's Sunday morning, people are finding their seats, you're scheduled to preach, and you realize you have nothing to say?.........." to keep reading

I have read the book Velvet Elvis it is a great read

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Were moving

The radio show is going to Thursday Breakfast 7am - 9Am
Which is good because I was thinking that way for a little while after an earlier discussion.
So I will diffinatly change the format.
I will have some things ready for the 4th of May when we start the new show.


It would not be Australian not to remember those who gave their lives for us.

I like most was not born here, my father & grandfathers all served in WW2. My father's dad was wounded in WW1 and again in WW2. In the very early part of the war, after he came back he had many operations and was left like a stroke victim paralysed down one side. He taught himself to walk with the aid of his greyhound pulling is paralysed side along. He was a very determined man, this did have an upside hen the dog was not pulling the old man it flu. Winning many races for them but that is another story.

My maternal grandfather was rescued off Dunkirk it was almost 40 years before he could stand being on water again. After he moved here he would get seasick got to Manly on the ferry. He was a transport sergeant told many funny stories of how one of his trucks was mostly for his collection of motorbikes he found on his travels.

My dad was on occupation duty after the war he was in Italy then later in Egypt

They are the men who were around while I grew up. My grandfather who was wounded did the year after we came to Australia. I was a lot longer than they thought he would last.

War is never a good thing; it from time to time is a necessary thing. It has a very high price and usually paid by the young.

We live in times where what the world is and how it is, and what it is needs to be remembered the price that was paid for by those who paid it.

Unfortunately people forget, other choose to close their eyes.

I am a member of an RSL club, and from time to time I am there for the Ode

Which says: “At the going down of the sun, we that are left shall remember them”

“Lest we forget”

Sunday, April 23, 2006

“Customer Service “

Yesterday in its editorial the Daily Telegraph spoke if what they said is fast becoming an oxymoron “Customer Service “

This after how one franchise of a very large organisation treated me the night before struck a real cord.

We had been out for a function, which was desert & coffee farewell for a young family who are off to Shepparton in a week or so this happen to be the night they chose to do the send off. I was make desert for 200 for 21st on Saturday night so all the prep & starting on assembling before I went, I was not hungry nor was Vera. So after we thought may Chinese, on open, Chicken just closed. So the “golden arches” is always open.

Went in ordered what we wanted, I checked mine you would be surprised how often the get it wrong! It is simple but the training often kicks in they can’t help put on the lot, when all I want there is roll meat & ketchup (tomato sauce).

We get home Vera has only meat & dead lettuce on hers which is horrid. We ring & ring & ring & ring again over an hour before someone answer.

I get hold of the manager who has to go to the office as he can’t hear.

He would not answer the phone because they were under staffed. The was a game at Parramatta between Eels & Tigers so what is going to happen all those people from Campbelltown are going to what not want to stop and get something (now it gets worse).

They don’t have enough people on for the night. So here am I trying to ask why Vera’s order was wrong. The thing is he knows that out there is someone who got the wrong burger he has had to fix it in the store. Rather then nip it in the bud he waits till the crisis in front of him is over.

Customer Service is not happening here, for a year or so I was a contractor for the Hilton group.

They know what bad service costs; they have rules about bad service.

On bad experience cost the group 160+ room nights, that is nights where someone will try another hotel instead of staying at a Hilton after a bad experience & their friends & acquaintances do the same.

You see a happy person will tell a few people, but an unhappy person will tell everyone.

Now if you know that this has happened it would have been very easy to say sorry the first time I rang, orif you know then better still take the phone off the hook so I thing they are busy on the phone. I don’t get worked up because I am being ignored.

Now they did replace the thing that were wrong but that was not the point. The point is it shouldn’t have happened in the first place and if you know then fix it first someone who is unhappy is only going to get angry that is not good.

Last year we went to a Chinese place for take away we got home & the first thing we ordered was not there. When I spoke to them no manager in (I rang a few times) but the reaction was good it was not written down so she couldn’t get into trouble as I had not been charged for it.

Hardly the point it should have been written down I should have been charged & I should have had it, it was the reason we went in, in the first place.

Restaurants are not the only place there is bad service; I could bash a few banks or Government departments.
However what is the point here well if you are in business what is your customer service like?

Have you tried ringing in to see what happens?

Have you sent in a friend to se how he is treated?

Do you have a complaints line or email?

You should try some of these things it may open your eyes. You just might help you keep some of those hard won customers.

Thursday, April 20, 2006

This week on the Radio 23-4-06

I thought I would talk about presence,

You have it & your business has it but the big question is does anyone else know?

Your friends know you, your neighbours know you, and your family knows you, who else know you?

We all know politicians, big business leaders who make themselves known.

We would talk about Kerry Packer, Rupert Murdock, and the like.

In sport people are known, in movies and other of the arts there people are known.

In your area of business are you known?

We all want to be known but, what can we afford, how can we go about it?

Well in the show this week we will talk about it & I will give you some tips.

Along with some URLs to help

2RDJ FM 88.1 on Mondays 3:00-PM till 5:00PM


Wednesday, April 19, 2006

What next?

Ever sat there in a quiet moment and said what next?

In a society like ours it is not hard to become detached and aloof

Thinking like this; that I have reached whatever, now I want more!

Where does that come from?

We never really reach the end till we get off the ride of life.

What we are saying is we are not satisfied what we really need is to go deeper.

It is just that, we don’t realise that in our crazy world of everything new and more exciting; we do need to realise that shiny and new is not necessarily better.

It could be a distraction from what is real and meaningful

Deep cries to deep

Shiny and new is shallow, in our current climate sticking with tried & true is not always the thing to do.

However when we have not really arrived sometimes we need to take stock and instead of looking for new is go a little deeper become a better us by gaining some character, some perseverance getting a few scarce and a couple of grey hairs.

In reality becoming a real and better person, someone of substance.

Someone those around us would actually want to know!

Sunday, April 16, 2006


He is risen, risen indeed!

That is the cry of Christian across the world those who know Him

You see though He did on Friday He rose on Sunday

Today is a glorious Day, it is the day we celebrate that Christ is ALIVE

He lives, He lives you ask me how I know He live

He lives with me & all those who count Him as their Saviour

For that was the purpose of Easter.

He came to save mankind

I am rejoicing today with all of those along with me who Know Him

Have a great EASTER

Saturday, April 15, 2006


I was at the mother in laws yesterday
everyone brought a chicken dish

Mum made a fish pie

There were other things there naturally (yes lots of chocolate)

Then the great fish debate started.

I was interesting what people thing when they really have no clue as to how or why.

Which according to tradition was to do with fasting, however in the Catholic church is was law.

“Eating fish on Friday was never a requirement. It used to be required that we abstain or not eat meat on Fridays, so instead people ate fish.

Today we are no longer bound by that specific sacrificial act. Canon Law states:

Canon 1251

Abstinence from meat, or from some other food as determined by the Episcopal Conference, is to be observed on ALL Fridays, unless a solemnity should fall on a Friday. Abstinence and fasting are to be observed on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday.

Most Episcopal Conferences have determined that, instead of abstaining from meat, Catholics may perform an act of penance of their choosing. The main rule is still to abstain from meat on Fridays; the performance of another penance instead is an optional alternative.

We are still obliged to do some personal penance on Fridays as on offering to Our Lord, but we are not obligated to abstain, or not eat meat on Fridays, unless you are in an diocese that has not allowed the optional alternative.”

I have never been a fish on Friday, type actually we usually have burgers or the like on Friday. All the kids out the door before they are in mostly on the way to youth

I don’t know about you but if I really have to do something especially food then I am usually not so keen. I am a very fussy eater love food but I really love verity.

After all Easter is not about food.

It is about our connection with God and that being restored.

Thursday, April 13, 2006


It is not the message is how you tell the story!

I got to this from Seth Godin's Blog
I think you find this a brilliant story

Seth's Blog

Wednesday, April 12, 2006


Easter, I remember as a little kid it meant packing the car and driving to the south coast pitching the tent, being cold and wet by the end of the weekend.

Eating Blue-swimmer crabs (caught fresh) mmmmmm

3 or 4 hrs in the car putting the tent up in the dark, fighting with my sisters about nothing

Having egg hunts around the tent and usually with dog tied up, because she had probably are ready eaten the first lot of eggs.

Deb mash potato, worst thing ever made!!! UCK!!

Only thing worse than that is Deb with Baked beans :-(

As for jumping off the bridge and floating down the river when the tide was on the way out it closed up near the mouth and we had a rope across which you would grab two people came through and you were running back up to the bridge to do it again.

If you missed you had about 250m + swim back to shore

There were heaps of people, lots that were there holiday after holiday, we used to go there after Christmas as well.

Then it was youth camp for many years as a youth leader we would be off to wherever for camp some great some not so.

I was always a great time. Lots of fun & friends

At Easter we in Australia have a long weekend, when I was at school it was a 5 day weekend. Now it is the beginning of the school holidays

The last few years we have had a family lunch at the Mother in Laws whoever has not gone away is there so lots of family it is great, everyone brings a plate there is always a mountain of food. We have great time mum loves having her kids & grandkids & great grandkids around as for the rest of the weekend we all have a lot of things to do.

So what does it all mean well it means most of my life Easter has been a busy time, in it all though it has long been one of my times of reflection where I take stock of what is going on in my life.

For me the year is easily divided in to three, Easter, My birthday in August & Christmas.

So though it is a busy few days, I still take time to look at things.

I see how I am going, what is happening where my plans & goals are up too.

This year well it is interesting; I have been given more air time already that looks like an open door. I have some other things happening so it is all good.

Jesus came just over 2000 years ago, He came for Easter. For Him it was not a surprise it was not a shock it was the plan. He came so we could be busy, having lots of friends & family around, or off at camp or wherever.

That for Him was the plan that we would be free!

Free from the things that keep us from Him

He came the first time so, He could be back for a second!

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Radio Show

Radio Show

Business Show will be back on Air as of the 23rd of April

Yeah that gives me Easter off

So that will be fantastic
I am looking forward to that
I have set up a hotmail address for the show makes life easy

So any thoughts or ideas

I am staying at 3-5pm so
I will be thinking about what I can do to helpful and informative to the business in the area

I will have some people coming in to live interviews

I will do little music

I will do a health segment

I will try and do a few other things they are helpful

It is my show but it doesn't work unless it works for you.

This gives us business people a voice why not use it?

I will see what I can do about running a compatition for a new name.

Monday, April 10, 2006


Eye halve a spelling chequer
It came with my pea sea
It plainly marques four my revue
Miss steaks eye kin knot sea.
Eye strike a key and type a word
And weight four it two say
Weather eye am wrong oar write
It shows me strait a weigh.
As soon as a mist ache is maid
It nose bee fore two long
And eye can put the error rite
Its rare lea ever wrong.
Eye have run this poem threw it
I am shore your pleased two no
Its letter perfect awl the weigh
My chequer tolled me sew.

-Sauce unknown `

Being Dyslexic this really tickles my funny bone, because one of the things with Dyslexia is you don't learn to spell.

The mechanical thing inside your brain doesn't get it.

I don't do to bad as I have a very good memory.

Spell check helps most of the time.

I still use an editor where I can for documents etc.

Sunday, April 09, 2006


I have a friend from the west who I now keeps an eye on the posts.

He lost his dad at Christmas time; it has not been easy time for him.

We all suffer lost like him I know where mother went.

In the last few years of her life she returned to her faith.

His father in the months before his passing made a commitment to faith

On Friday, I had a friend loose his sister in law to cancer.

She had been not well for quite some time I never got to meet her.

Though a couple of times I had been close by she was not well enough they said

She was deaf, had many deaf friends (what he called the deaf brigade)

Would turn up and relieve him for a little while

He had spent the last few months up in Newcastle looking after her.

For him life will return to normal soon he had been through a bit he lost his brother a couple of years ago.

His nice which was to his brothers’ former wife has caused them some grief last year.

We will suffer loss; we will all know the death of loved ones.

Some sooner than later which is life; we will all know that

Loss is a part of life; we need to know that there is comfort & peace

Others who have had the same loss, who have a clue how you feel, what to do how to keep going, how to face another day, to walk a few miles along the road, they know the road they themselves have been on it.

We will all know loss that is a promise. What we do with it well that is something else.

There is a blog which has been dealing with grief lately here is the URL

Which may be of help to some I think there was 2 or 3 posts on the subject

If you post there the moderator views all comments

For me I get a copy email to me then I can see what is said go from there.

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Loved ones

In a few short days, it will be 10 years since my mother past away.

She was a great lady but mostly she was my mum.

She was born in Scotland just before WW2 most of her early years were without her dad as he was at war.

Her mother was a nurse, who at the time was a stay at home mum.

She had two younger brothers.

One born just before her dad went to war and the other after he came home.

She came to live in Edinburgh just after the war; they lived in an apartment with now famous milkman one Sir Sean Connery.

She went to Uni and to become a Medical Technologist

After she had my youngest sibling she went back and did Podiatry.

I have 3 sisters & a brother who are 2 years 4 years 12 years & 15years younger than me my brother being the youngest.

Her achievements have probably been long forgotten by most.

We who were loved and loved her have not forgotten.

Some of her greatest achievements were us.

Her two sons and three daughters and now 19 grand children (which counts a couple of foster kids who live with us so long they are family) and her I think 12 great grand children.

The girls all live in Queensland these days, us boys are still in Sydney well almost James is just south of the city about an hour or so.

As for two of the kids are and their families are in Melbourne

We all have memories of loved ones; I hope this helps you to remember your loved ones like I do my mum.

Monday, April 03, 2006

Tazer For Sale

This is from the Darwin Awards

Gave me a good laugh

FOR SALE; Tazer gun, pocket/purse size, 100,000 volt with clip Used one time, cheap, free shipping!

My wife is fond of saying that my last words on this earth will be something akin to "Well, I have out done myself once again." No doubt you will see this true story chronicled in a Lifetime movie in the nearfuture.

Here goes: On my first day of retirement, I bought something at the Police Supply Shop that tickled my fancy. (Note: Keep in mind that my "fancy" is easily tickled). I bought something really cool for my wife. The occasion is my retirement and I was looking for a little something extra for my lovely bride.

What I came across was a 100,000-volt, pocket/purse-sized Tazer gun with a clip. For those of you who are not familiar with this product, it is a less-than-lethal stun gun with two metal prongs designed to incapacitate an assailant with a shock of high-voltage, low amperage electricity while you flee to safety. The effects are supposed to be short lived, with no long-term adverse affect on your assailant, but allowing you adequate time to retreat to safety. You simply jab the prongs into your 250 lb. tattooed assailant, push the button, and it will render him a slobbering, goggle-eyed, muscle-twitching, whimpering, pencil-neck geek. If you've never seen one of these things in action, then you're truly missing out -- way too cool! I've seen several demonstrations for cops, but I found this handheld one for civilians.

Long story short, I bought the device and brought it home. I loaded two AAA batteries in the darn thing and pushed the button. Nothing! I was so disappointed. Upon reading the directions (we don't need no stinkin' directions), I found much to my chagrin that this particular model would not create an arc between the prongs. How disappointing! I do love fire for effect. I learned that if I pushed the button, however, and pressed it against a metal surface that I'd get the blue arc of electricity darting back and forth between the prongs that I was so looking forward to. I did it.

Awesome!!! Sparks, a blue arc of electricity, and a loud pop!!! Yipeeeeee... I'm easily amused, just for your information, but I have yet to explain to her what that burn spot is on the face of her microwave.

Okay, so I was home alone with this new toy, thinking to myself that it couldn't be all that bad with only two triple-A batteries, etc., etc. There I sat in my recliner, her cat looking on intently (trusting little soul), reading the directions (that would be me, not the cat) and thinking that I really needed to try this thing out on a flesh and blood target. I must admit I thought about zapping the cat for a fraction of a second and thought better of it. She is such a sweet kitty after all. But, if I was going to give this thing to my wife to protect herself against a mugger, I did want some assurance that it would work as advertised. Am I wrong?

Was I wrong to think that? Seemed reasonable to me at the time. So, there I sat in a pair of shorts with my reading glasses perched delicately on the bridge of my nose, directions in one hand, Tazer in the other. The directions said that a one-second burst would shock and disorient your assailant; a two-second burst was supposed to cause muscle spasms and a loss of bodily control; a three-second burst would purportedly make your assailant flop on the ground like a fish out of water.

All the while I'm looking at this little device (measuring about 5" long, less than 3/4 inch in circumference, pretty cute really, and loaded with two itsy, bitsy AAA batteries) thinking to myself, "no friggin'way!"

Friggin' way - trust me, but I'm getting ahead of myself. What happened next is almost beyond description, but I'll do my best. Those of you who know me well have got a pretty good idea of what followed.I'm sitting there alone, the cat looking on with her head cocked to one side as to say, "don't do it buddy," reasoning that a one-second burst from such a tiny lil' ole thing couldn't hurt all that bad (sound, rational thinking under the circumstances, wouldn't you agree?). I decided to give myself a one-second burst just for the hell of it.

(Note: You know, a bad decision is like hindsight-- always twenty-twenty.) It is so obvious that it was a bad decision after the fact, even though it seemed so right at the time. Don't ya hate that?) I touched the prongs to my naked thigh, pushed the button, and HOLY ****! DAaaaaMN!!! I'm pretty sure that Jessie Ventura ran in through the front door, picked me up out of that recliner then body slammed me on the carpet over and over again. I vaguely recall waking up on my side in the fetal position, nipples on fire, testicles nowhere to be found, soaking wet, with my left arm tucked under my body in the oddest position. The cat was standing over me making sounds I had never heard before, licking my face, undoubtedly thinking to herself, "do it again, do it again!"

(Note: If you ever feel compelled to mug yourself with a Tazer, one note of caution. There is no such thing as a one-second burst when you zap yourself. You're not going to let go of that thing until it is dislodged from your hand by a violent thrashing about on the floor. Then, if you're lucky, you won't lodge one of the prongs 1/4" deep in your thigh like yours truly.)

SON-OF-A-***** that hurt! A minute or so later (I can't be sure, as time was a relative thing at this point), I collected my wits (what little I had left), sat up and surveyed the landscape. My reading glasses were on the mantel of the fireplace. How did they get there??? My triceps,right thigh and both titties were still twitching. My face felt like it had been shot up with Novocain, as my bottom lip weighed 88 lbs., give or take an ounce or two, I'm pretty sure. By the way, has anyone seen my testicles?

I think they ran away. I'm offering a reward. They're round. Miss 'em...! sure would like to get'em back.

I wonder what retirement day two will bring?

Submitted on 03/17/2006


I was reading a reply to a comment on a blog.
When it struck me that, us not as young as we used to be types
have go a lot more pre-programming than we think.

Which is possibly why there are reactions when we read things in SMS or emails and blogs.
We are use to having all the information, and when we see only part of the information which is slanted what looks like going in a direction even if it isn't we automatically jump up and react.

Where as my kids know that all they are getting is this little part of the puzzle and need to wait till they have all the information.

I am going to have to try harder not react to these things as I read them.

I know this was possible an issue on another site which I was active.

People were jumped on all the time on that site of which most are from an earlier generation.

Saturday, April 01, 2006

How charitable are you?

I was doing some research & found this

If you are interested I scored 29