Monday, May 29, 2006

This week on the show

My Guest will be Claire Langlands of Realize It Productions
Claire & David run a production house for Media
She will tell us a bit about her story, what they do
Be adding a little colour to the show (an in joke if you know Claire)

Will in first hour talk about computors & business
What to do & what not to do
The ussual music, traffic, train info and on this day.

Friday, May 26, 2006


We all know that we can money if we have assets

The banks love us to tie up what we have.

What if we don’t have anything?

What do we do?

Well there are various answers.

I you saw the dragon TV show last year, that is call venture capital fundraising

Pitching your idea to the wealthy, this costs you plenty.

Now the biggest thing most people don’t know in that it is this

100% of nothing is still nothing!

A small percentage of something is a good thing.

Getting your first idea to market is always a bonus

If you do it in a high profile way like that then if you only get a small percentage

You have done well, you are a proven commodity. You can go to the bank and get good rates yourself next time round.

You always have more than one idea in you it is a fact your have one then you are usually a creative type.

You will have others, if you get one up then, you will have an easier time next time.

Investors which is not usually as expensive as Venture Fundraising

You need to have a good proposal & a better agreement one that spells out what each party is going to do.

Then there is Factoring, where you sell your invoice to a financier who buys your invoice at a discount.

Using the difference as their profit margin, now this can cost differing amounts from around 10% if you have reasonable terms with your debtor up over 20% if you debtor is on terrible terms.

They are the main types there are a few others, but these are the main ones.

One thing you may be able to do is talk your bank.
If you have a track record then when it gets a little tight see what comes & goes then they mey help.

Other than that google. Alternative Finance (Australian search)

I will talk to Ken McCloud and have him on the show to tell us what he does.

From the show

Warwich was very late, due to two things.
Him not know Sydney trafic & the bigger problem of the broken down truck
whch caused gridlock around Liverpool Rd yesterday morning.
He has agreed to come back up one Thursday to give us a more detailed interview.
Which I think you will find very interesting.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

On the show this week

My guest will be Warwick Marsh.

Warwick runs the Fatherhood Foundation as well as Australian Heart Music

He is a musician, who has performed all over the globe.

Form China to Uganda, New Zealand to America all sorts of place in between.

He is a strong support of Australian Music industry.

He is one the board of Musoz, being one of its founders

He has produced many community service adds for the Fatherhood foundation

Along with TV show which have air on pay TV

He was a leading builder, before literally hoping on a bus a riding around Australia

Playing music with his family, of which they are all musical.

I am sure Warwick will inspire anyone in business that taking on any project is not as big a problem as they think.

My topic in the fist hour of the show will be financing.

Along with the standard forms, we will look at what other way of funding your business

Thursday, May 18, 2006


I have meet lots of interesting people over the years.
One of them is guy by the name of Tim Hall.
Tim is very interesting, you may have heard the sound bit from Pro Hart's funeral service, of someone say Pro your an Icon up there with Don Bradman, Phar Lap & Vegemite.

Well Tim & I have been friends since the late 70's, and he coming to speak at our church.
He is well know for his great humour usally at someones' expense.

I know that while he is speaking at our church, that will be me.
It is not that bad I will be able to give him a little back
when he comes on the show while he with us.
So he will be speaking at open meetings form the 14th to 16th of June
More info

Tim is in high demand both in Australia & internationally this is an opportunity not to be missed

The sound bit can be heard on this link
It is at the top of the page

From todays’ show

The Jobnetwork

Just about all you need to know can be found at

There is a myriad of links from here to just about anywhere

This will take you to all the New Apprenticeship Centres

For traineeship etc.

Mona works for Mercy Ministries

Darlene Zschech

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

This weeks show 18-5-06

My Guest this week

Is Mona Luxton, Mona works for the charity Mercy Ministries.

She has an interesting occupation; we will take a bit of journey with Mona.

Next Friday, 26th May Mercy is having their ball, so I get Mona to tell us a little about that.

So tune in 7:00AM – 9:00AM Thursday 88.1 fm

Form 7:00 -8:00 I will talk about the job network & how they can help you.

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Happy Mothers' Day

I wrote something about my mum a little while ago

Today being mothers' day I got up early woke the kids , gave them their mothers' gift.

Then I cooked breakfast , the boys will be off soon for church.

The oldest is playing, the second oldest is also operating the data projector.

Yesterday I cooked lunch for today, we are off to spend the afternoon with Vera's family
At her mothers' place.

We will have lots of different dishes, being that she is one of nine!

We will have lots of family to share the day with, and my mother in law is a wonderful woman.
She will be 81 next birthday.
She had nine kids and has 25 grandkids
& 6 almost 7 great grand kids (one is due now)

Friday, May 12, 2006


Over the last few years,
the Alpha course has become a great source of informaton
for those who are sreaching for spiritual truth.
Over the next few weeks, there are 100 courses starting up all over Sydney.

There is business focus group starting out at Seven Hills
starting Wednesday, May 24th 7:00AM - 8:30AM
2 Leabons Lane, Seven Hills NSW 2147

There limited spaces so email me if you are interested

Attitude Man

Cocktails and Dreams – Join us for a social and entertaining evening of Champagne, Canapes with special guest speaker Justin Herald.

Special Guest Speaker JUSTIN HERALD, 2005 International Entrepreneur of the Year. Justin will share how to ‘Start your Dream’. Turning $50 into $15 million makes Justin an expert in the field of dreams.


Cocktails and Dreams – 25th May
6.30pm – 9.30pm
Swissotel Hotel ‘Dream Room’
Level 8, 68 Market Street, Sydney

“Cherish your visions and your dreams, as they are the children of your soul, the blueprints of your ultimate achievements”.

Napoleon Hill – Author ‘Think and Grow Rich’

Book Here

Thursday, May 11, 2006

From the show today

Networking & Marketing

I still remember my first Marketing lesson.

I don’t remember the lecturer but the first think they said I have never forgotten.

Marketing it is about people, those who know you & those you know.

That has stuck, so over the years I have become a great networker.

As you are aware there are millions of site just type in Networking to your favourite search-engine

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

This weeks' show 11-5-06

This week I thought we would talk about
Networking & Marketing
(No not Network Marketing)
So join me 7-9 on Thursday
After the show I will post so interesting sites to help you.
Ideas are always welcome

Saturday, May 06, 2006


Don't you just love that you get time to relax
This a nice weekend for us not much on today
BBQ after church tomorrow it is all good
Then back in to the working week on Monday
Tuesday is a little busy it is my long day of the week
It will start with breakfast, I am in a course in the afternoon
Then in the evening I have a 6-7hr job
I will leave home about 6:30am and get back about 2:00am
For the alarm to go off at 5:00am for Vera to go to her job.
I will be up for a little while then once the kids are off
I will be back in bed for a bit more rest

Info from the show 4th May

The Networking Breakfast is at Burwood RSL

Tuesday 7:00am all the info follow the link

Cost is $15.00 to book call this number 9089 7699

Or Online @

There is a booking link about 2/3 of the way down on the left hand side of the page.

Had I had all the info before the show I would have give it out then but I got most of it yesterday.

Ok the personality temperaments there are literally thousands of pages on the web for this but it is fantastic information.

Rewarding your team for instance if you have a gaggle of Sanguine types then a good bit of public praise will get you almost anything add with a financial incentive for a completion of the task and if it is possible these guys will do it.

So got to your favourite search engine and type in Personality Temperament Profiles

It will give you tools for you people to do the testing on line for free if you look do go past the first page.

Don’t give up at one or two pages in to a search.

I have found things I am looking for where others fail because I keep looking.

There is a Meta search engine, which will search a little deeper “copernic” so if you typed that into your search engine, it will give that a search tool it looks at all the Meta tags on web pages. Then gives you anything that is remotely close to that, it will ask you if this or that is close and you can do some elimination before you look at pages.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

This weeks show 4-5-06

I thought we would do some practical things like delegating
Who does what & why?
Are you good at what you do?
How to recruit?

Do you fall into the same old traps?

What to do with an idea?

I will look at some issues, facing those of us in business.

There will be some music.

If you do send in your email, or posts I will go with so of you’re in put.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

The Forotten Outback

I have travelled many miles out back and beyond. Have live in my younger days out in a couple of major centres for a short time.

I have a couple of friends who go and work with those who work the land.

I got a call on Saturday morning, from them, we talking about ideas to help them raise awareness & funds to do the work.

Currently Bruce goes out as far out as Hungerford on the Qld/NSW border and up the burke track. He also reaches Cullamulla, Thargominda, Eudlo, St George out. He goes along way out there. He always goes with another man and they sleep in swags either on properties or on the side of the road, to save fuel. The basic ministry is to go house to house or property to property – considering that some property driveways could be 30miles long but sometimes this is the only contact with people that these property owners get.

They usually always give food hampers and/or toiletry packs, and anything that they may get as a donation. Recently a hotel chain gave good linen, sheets etc and this was most welcomed to the property owners. They do not buy these luxuries and recently some pillows where just so welcomed. Things that we in the city take for granted.

Ladies of these properties, never buy toiletries for themselves so hand crème’s and moisturizers are absolutely welcomed. We have never had a door shut in our face, and each visit becomes more and more welcoming. Most farms don’t have things like soap and toothpaste.

The main concerns at the moment and what Bruce and Marcel go to everyday is the high suicide risk amongst the men in these communities. The pressure of the drought, of no income, of no support, of letting down the family, of letting down the generations before them is to much to face. And it is not just for the men but also for the son’s as they have the pressure put on them as dad goes.

We know of families that sent there 17 year old son to Brisbane to work and earn money for the family. Once he had gone to Brisbane, the ridicule of being a country boy etc got to much the young boy who returned home to his family. His family told him that he had to go back to work, and the next morning they had found he had shot himself. This is getting to be a regular occurrence in the bush.

Folk say why don’t they walk off the land? Yes why don’t they? Its part of them, most time they don’t know anything else than the land. It could be the heritage that they failed from what there grandfathers etc had built. Some are more scared of the cities than dying on the land. A lot of them don’t have stock on the properties any more and they are living on the goats and Roo’s.

The bush is a place that needs dedication and persistence. Bush people see people come and go over the years. But Care Outreach have been coming and going for 15 years. They are now got the reputation of truly caring for the people. We help the community to come together as in old. Most communities have stopped this because of the cost of insurance, but we do this under care Outreach insurance as it is so important that everyone comes together.

There are blessings in the bush. A place called Turnturn has rain fall on its boundaries. It is dry/dead all around but when you reach the boundaries of this property it is green. 3 years worth of prayer!

Pro Harts picture “miracles in the bush” is happening. Where they have nothing, they have to rely on Jesus and search him out. In the city we can get anything, in the bush they have nothing. And what will this country do with out those dedicated people that live out in the bush. We need to support our backyard, before our backyard is lost and everything is brought in from overseas. So many entities support missions overseas, and yet what does the bible say, love thy neighbour, is not our first neighbour, our backyard?

Andrew Hull wrote an article in the Sydney Morning Herald 7 January 2006 about meeting Bruce and Marcel at “Brindingabba” he mentioned in the article “Quiet-voiced and hard-knuckled rides forward, The Christ of the Outer Outback”. This writer was following the footsteps of Henry Lawson and bumped into Bruce and Marcel. As he acknowledges the fact that they don’t need to be out here counts for double, and its many kilometres down the road before I realised that my thoughts for them are prayers” Of his article about retracing Henry Lawson steps 1/3 was about the experience of meeting Bruce and Marcel. That in its self speaks volumes as to the impact these 2 are having.

Christmas time is the big run where we take teams of people and literally try and get to as many families as possible dropping of Christmas presents for the children and food hampers. This is all done house to house, cup of tea by cup of tea. We are never in a rush but we take the time to sit, talk, pray and counsel as needed. Then as a need is required we take that need and put action into it however we can with what ever resources we can obtain.

Bruce has been involved with Care Outreach for the past 5years. With the sale of our Bli Bli house we have been able to subsidies Bruce’s trip out bush. Care Outreach has also been able to give us some petrol money as well. But recently Bruce damaged his ute and while it was in the panel beaters we realised that Bruce needs more than a ute to do the travelling that he does. Bruce needs a Landcruiser Ute the one he would like is the new 78 series turbo diesel cab chassis with a steel tray. There are many reasons but suffice to say that it is what would best suit the conditions where he is working.

That is way outback and beyond.

I have been as some of you know through from one side on the country to the other and seen something fantastic land we love. Some so desolate that the only people those working the land see is the postman when he brings the mail once a month we he comes he brings the groceries as well that is how isolated it is.

If you can do anything to help here are the details (I will be talking to some other friends about helping )

All donations can be made to Care Outreach Australia and is Tax Deductible.

Please note that its per: Bruce Travers Bush Mission Trips

Postal Address

P.O. Box 2580

Nambour West 4560